These are the total numbers of dogs and cats that were reported as having been used in research and teaching in 2020, in the state of Victoria alone.
These are also the most recently available statistics that the Australia Government has made public, they are 4 years old. We have no way of knowing how these numbers have grown in recent years. Not all states in Australia report their numbers, and not all states make their reports available to the public. So there is no way of knowing exactly how many animals are being used in research and teaching in Australia.
We need your support to reach our fundraising goal of $18,000. This amount is our typical monthly expenditure on vital veterinary treatments and medical care for our ex-research animals.
In Australia, many animals find themselves in a teaching and research situation. Previously, no provisions were made for these animals when it came to their retirement. Some might go to staff members or their friends, but mostly they would be euthanised. This is where we come in! Beagle Freedom Australia has established Australia’s first rehoming program designed specifically for the rehabilitation of ex-research, ex-testing or ex-teaching laboratory animals. We founded Australia’s first sanctuary where these animals can safely spend time learning about all the things that we take for granted, before advancing to their new homes. We specialise in beagles, because they are the breed of choice in laboratory settings, but we also help other breeds and other types of animals too.
what do we do?
we make families
So, what's been happening?
Latest NEWS
Reforming Victoria's Animal Care and Protection Laws
We recently made a second submission to the Victorian Government with advice and feedback on their draft plan to reform the outdated "POCTA" (Protection of cruelty to animals act).
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VIC Pet Rehoming Sector Reforms
BFA was accepted onto the committee working wth the Victorian Government to reform and implement all the recommendations put forward by the Taskforce for rehoming pets.
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NSW Right to Release PASSED!
NSW has passed into law, the mandatory rehoming of animals from research! At this stage it only applies to cats and dogs, but we hope they will extend it to other species in the future, we will keep pushing.
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Right to Release APPROVED!
After much deliberation, the Animal Welfare Vic have put forward their report in response to the Taskforce's recommendations. In an Australian first, they support mandatory release and a retirement age for animals in research!
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Victorian Taskforce on Rehoming pets
BFA recently had the opportunity to make a submission and also meet with the taskforce, we, of course, recommended mandatory rehoming for research animals as well as a retirement age.
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BFA Featured in The Age
"The Andrews government will investigate ways to find homes for laboratory animals once they are no longer needed for medical research, under a plan advocates say could prevent animals being put down unnecessarily."
Read the Article
NSW Inquiry into the use of animals in medical research
The NSW Legislative Council's Portfolio Committee No. 2 - Health, is currently conducting an inquiry into the use of primates and other animals in medical research in New South Wales. BFA was invited to make a submission.
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QLD Parliamentary Amendment
BFA have made a submission, including recommendations, for animals in research, to the QLD Parliamentary Committee. In it we ask for mandatory release and a retirement age.
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NSW Rehoming Guide
Following in Victoria’s footsteps, The NSW Government has just released a rehoming guide for lab animals. Made possible by lots of input from many stake holders, the guidelines have been issued to all AEC's in labs across NSW.
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Have you fallen in love with what we do?
How Does it all work?
Our Process
1. Fill in our form
2. Phone interview
3. Meet and Greet
4. Trial Period
5. Final Adoption
Meet Some of Our FOrever fosters
6 year old Cat GIRL
10 year old beagle girl
about us
We don’t usually get in front of the camera here at BFA, we like to make the animals our main focus. But for the curious at heart, you can read more about our founders and how BFA started.
Having the opportunity to be part of the rehabilitation process with Jensen has given us a true appreciation of how special and wonderful these dogs are. They have brought such love into our lives.